Eligibility Requirements

  • School district teams can submit their solutions for the Pinnacle Award.  
  • Applicants must be current members of ASBO International. Membership must remain current through the ASBO International Annual Conference & Expo. 
  • The submitted project must have been developed and implemented after May 2021. 
  • Current ASBO International Board of Directors members are not eligible to apply. 

Award Categories

One Pinnacle of Excellence Award  district team is presented with:

  • Registration to ASBO International’s 2024 Annual Conference & Expo and travel and lodging expenses for two individuals at up to $2,000/person. 
  • $10,000 in school furniture from Virco, Inc.

Three Pinnacle of Achievement Award district teams are presented with:

  • Registration to ASBO International’s 2024 Annual Conference & Expo and travel and lodging expenses for two individuals at up to $2,000/person. 
  • $5,000 in school furniture from Virco, Inc. 


Applications are reviewed by a panel of volunteer judges from the ASBO International membership. All applications were redacted to remove names, districts, and any personally identifiable information to eliminate any bias in the selection process.