Eligibility Requirements

  • Eagle Award candidates must be active professional or district members of ASBO International.
  • Candidates must be employed full-time as school business officials through Dec 31 of the current year.
  • Distinguished Eagle Award recipients may apply for the International Eagle Award in a subsequent year.
  • Current ASBO International Board of Directors members are not eligible to apply.


One 2024 International Eagle Award recipient is presented with:

  • A $5,000 scholarship to present to a high school senior from the recipient’s district.
  • Registration for ASBO International’s 2024 Annual Conference & Expo.
  • Registration and travel for ASBO International’s 2025 Eagle Institute. 

Three ASBO International members receive the Distinguished Eagle Award and are presented with:

  • A $2,500 scholarship to present to a high school senior from the recipient’s district.
  • Registration for ASBO International’s 2024 Annual Conference & Expo.
  • Registration and travel for ASBO International’s 2025 Eagle Institute. 


Applications are reviewed by a panel of volunteer judges from the ASBO International membership. All applications were redacted to remove names, districts, and any personally identifiable information to eliminate any bias in the selection process.